Installation Process

The following process will be used to install admin dashboard using package manager

1. Install Node.js : Please install latest version of Node.js from

2. Extract main admin : Extract the admin dashboard to your suitable directory or folder.

3. Access Command Prompt : Open node.js command prompt.

Note:- The process mentioned below can also be excuted with system command prompt.

4. In CMD, Navigate to the location where main folder is extracted.

5. Navigate to the default folder inside main folder.

6. Download node_modules folder : Run npm install command to install node_modules folder with dependencies.

7. Install Gulp : Although the gulp is installed locally after installing node modules. If needed, you can install gulp globally by executing the following command npm install gulp -g.

Note:- Mac users use sudo keyword   ( for example - sudo npm install gulp -g )

8. Test it : To check Gulp is successfully initialized run our built-in command : gulp hello.

Note:- In case if you run down with -> Error: ENOENT: no such file or directory in node-scss, use the cmd npm rebuild. If the issue still occurs then, add --force like this npm rebuild --force. It will solve the issue. In case if you are experiencing an error, kindly contact us

9. To run gulp-sass.


a. Inside Assets/css folder : gulp demoX:sass:assets

b. Inside Plugins folder : gulp demoX:sass:plugins


c. Inside Assets/css folder : gulp demoX-rtl:sass:assets

d. Inside Plugins folder : gulp demoX-rtl:sass:plugins

Note:-Here X Denote layouts i.e. demo1:sass:assets and demo1:sass:plugins for LTR and demo1-rtl:sass:assets and demo1-rtl:sass:plugins for RTL

10. To run gulp watch.

Use watch:demoX command for LTR and watch:demoX-rtl command for RTL to execute browser-sync and gulp-sass functions simultaneolusly.

Note:- It will enable auto refresh function everytime you save a file.

Note:- Here X Denote layouts i.e. watch:demo1 for LTR and watch:demo1-rtl for RTL

11. Install Git : If you are a Git user. Please install latest version of Git from

Note:- All the commands mentioned above can be executed using Git.